Getting Library Ebooks
Galion Public Library now offers electronic book and audiobook checkouts through the Ohio Digital Library. Here's how it works:
  1. You will need:
    • a computer with internet access
    • your email address
    • your library card
    • a portable reader device, if you want to carry the book around with you
      (If you do not have a portable reader, you can read them on your computer. If you aren't sure what device will work, check the list of supported devices.)
  2. Download and install the appropriate software for your device: You will not be able to use library ebooks without this software.
  3. If necessary, sign up for an Adobe ID from the Adobe Membership site. Without an Adobe ID, you will only be able to access your library ebooks on the one computer you first use to download them. If you have an Adobe ID, you can authorize all your computers and devices with the same ID and use your library ebooks on all of them. (This step is unnecessary for most audio players but is recommended for the Nook or Sony Reader. For the Kindle, you must be registered with Amazon instead.)
  4. Now, whenever you want an ebook, visit the Ohio Digital Library ebook website. Click the Sign In link in the header, choose Galion Public Library from the drop-down list of libraries, and enter your library card number to sign in.
  5. You can either browse through the collection (using the Browse links down the left side of the page) or search for whatever you like.
  6. Ebooks come in several different formats (EPUB, PDF, Kindle, etc), and audio materials are available in a couple of different formats as well (MP3 vs WMA), so be sure to choose a format that your device supports.
  7. Just like a regular library book, an ebook may be available right away, or there may be a waiting list. If you join a waiting list, you will receive email when the book becomes available for you.
  8. If a book is available right away, there will be an Add to cart link. Clicking the Add to cart link tells the site that you want to check out the book. If you like, you can add several books to your cart before you check out.
  9. Whenever you add a book to your cart, you can either continue browsing or proceed to checkout. When you click the proceed to checkout link, the site will ask you whether you prefer a 14-day or 7-day checkout. The book will automatically expire from your device after the set amount of time, so you don't have to worry about returning your books on time: it's automatic. The advantage of a 7-day checkout is that you will be able to check out more books sooner. (Due to high demand, there is a limit to how many books you can have out at once.) Select the lending period you prefer and click the Confirm Check Out button.
  10. Once you have checked out, there will be a Download link. (If you come back later, you can find the download link under your My Digital Bookshelf when you sign in.) Click the Download link to download the book to your computer. (For Kindle users, the process works a little differently from here out: click the Get for Kindle button to go to Amazon's listing for the book, then click the Get library book link and follow Amazon's instructions. You will need to have registered your Kindle with Amazon.)
  11. The book you downloaded should open in the software you installed earlier. You can use the Adobe Digital Editions or Sony Reader Library software to read the book on your computer or the Overdrive Media Console to listen to audio on your computer.
  12. You can also transfer the book to your portable reader or player. Plug your device in to your computer while the ebook software is open (for Apple devices, iTunes must also be open in the background), and your device should be listed (usually in a sidebar). You can drag any of the titles from your bookshelves onto the name of your device to transfer the books.